Huge ass list...
- /Mouse Sensetivity : 1.6
- /mapstartalways = [fog 1024;gamma 150;gamma 151;gamma 150]
- /addOnLoadAlways [smoothmove 67]
- /addOnLoadAlways [smoothdist 10]
- /addOnLoadAlways [mutesound 62]
- /texreduce 1
- /blob shadows
- /hudgun 1
- /hitsound 1
- /bind F1 [vote 1; echo (c P) (c b) "You've voted yes!";sound 63]
- /bind F2 [vote 2; echo (c 5) (c b) "You've voted no!";sound 77]
- /bind q [dropflag;echo (c 5) (c b) "You've dropped the flag numbnuts!"]
- /bind LEFTBRACKET [conskip 3]
- /bind RIGHTBRACKET [conskip -1000]
- /colorful weapons menu text (flashing gold sniper text <3)
- /Nickname menu
- /M|A#Wolf's private menu mod
- /old demo rewind script (need to find the newer one)
- /a few alias scripts to connect to servers directly (or with admin)
- /Protox skin set, and custom weapon skins/mods
- /Custom health/helmet/armour pickups
- /disabled own footsteps (helps me hear others better)
- /musicvol 0
- /soundfxvol 128+
- /Wireless Logitec Mouse (I do not know the specs)
- /Comfortable Computer Chair
- /Resolution: 1440x900
- /maxfps 75
- /pro SKB client user
- /fov 120
- /maxroll 10
- /hudextras 3
- /I'll edit this list if I think of any more