21 Aug 13, 09:59AM
- Mouse sens: around 65cm per 360 (0.60 in-game sens @ 800 DPI)
- Crosshair: This depends on you. I use either the default (size 10) or a custom red dot (size 15).
- FOV: 120
- Gamma: 150
- Texreduce: -1
- Lightscale: 2 (I don't know how some people play with a value of 1)
- Light error: 1
- Radarheight: I change it depending on the map -- a value around 230 is a good "universal" value.
- Fog: 1024
- Hitsound: 1
- Showscoresondeath: 0
- Muted sounds: All voicecoms, pain, and flag sounds.