Operation: Onslaught is now open and recruiting!
Good news (notice I'm not making a new thread) We currently have recruits 7, including evanzo23 and I. I am just stating this to make sure no-one lost faith in
us. So the current members are
  • o2|GhostE_
    o2|Evanzo23- Currently broke his arm and hand, thus he cannot play the game (that) well.
    o2|Grottenhexe- Currently broke her foot, so she isn't as active in-game. But she still hangs out in the IRC
    o2|ImmaCripple- Crippled? Correct me if I'm wrong.
As for our website, its 100% done. Their will be modifications, to keep it "fresh."
Our IRC #OpOnslaught on GameSurge, is currently active! Once again please visit us! The more the merrier.
We are currently trying to get to the "Wiki Clan List", we have posted on the thread flowtron made but we are still not added, which is understandable you mods/wiki editors are very busy and we understand that.
We are still looking for recruits, so if you would like to apply or just say hi, visit us here
We are also trying to become one of those "top clans" on the High-Skill and the TyD! Ladder, and get into the ac-news.tk clan list.
Unfortunately, half of our clan is crippled so a little GL HF's wouldn't hurt. You can even add a little "BBQ" at the end if you'd like.

Please, keep faith in us.


EDIT: Thanks Gibstick, Potato added. Btw, how did you... I just posted... Nevermind.
DOUBLE EDIT: Added Cross and ImmaCripple. ;D
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Operation: Onslaught is now open and recruiting! - by Ghost - 07 Sep 10, 02:28AM