(21 Jul 13, 06:14PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: Well if it wasn't a personal attack I'll take it as very bad attempt to give a feedback. I'll try your code. From an skim at your code, I don't agree you allow primary weapons only, perhaps people would like to play against bots that use knife, grenades or even pistol in a mode where this secondary weapons are not the main intend( pistol frenzy, lss, etc)it's not the question, just don't affect a non primary weapon as primary weapon, it doesn't make sense, or change more code
(21 Jul 13, 06:14PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: also spawning a bot in a specific (x,y) location in my opinion it would be improved more if you can spawn a bot in the position you select with the mouse pointer this way you could guarantee a valid locationit's made for scripts, especially to allow singleplayer campaigns to be created with cubescript only.
(21 Jul 13, 06:14PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: and to avoid the default position which is the center of the map (d->o.x = d->o.y = ssize/2) as you put it (or let the engine guess the 'safe' position, with a certain function I don't remember atm).??? it would use the center of the map as default position IF the spawn location isn't define and no spawns are available; read it again carefully
(21 Jul 13, 06:14PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: Yes Lucas, there is something specific about your coding I would like to say and why it is bad written in plenty of cases, but I think this not the place to enlist them all (perhaps this is more appropriately for a SVN comment or something like that), however I'd rather to focus on new improvements rather than correcting you, after all, the code compiles miraculously and it works despite well or bad written and that is a win situation for me
that's ludicrous
just tell me here if there is something wrong, give examples and details.
otherwise it's too easy (and useless)
i'd say you're just trolling right now