19 Jul 13, 09:07PM
(19 Jul 13, 08:21PM)alastor192 Wrote: 1) I have fast, but unstable connection (speed goes, say from 10 mb / sec to bytes, sometimes).
First thing I thought of was wireless. Not sure why.
Sometimes wireless connections can be too unstable for playing games. I usually use a wireless connection, but I have to make sure I am close to the router. If I am far from the router the playability goes down dramatically.
(19 Jul 13, 08:21PM)alastor192 Wrote: as I end up using all magazine on a "hologram" and then get shot from behind :(
Lagging is common (on pubs), the best thing to do is to run away when you see the ghost.
(19 Jul 13, 08:21PM)alastor192 Wrote: 2) Is there a way to limit those sneaky players, who shoot from the same position through a small hole, covered by a wall, if the minute you respawn, you get headshot / gibbed ? In
Next version of the game will prevent people from hiding and killing you. As wolf said, official maps will not allow players to spawn camp so easily. I honestly don't know why map makers ever thought it would be a good idea to give people a place to spawn camp and almost be invincible.
(19 Jul 13, 08:33PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: If it says "LAG" for everyone then it's a problem from your end.Or the server is lagging.
If your connection to the server is bad, it is worth checking your ping when people aren't lagging and everything is normal. If it is above 400 (others, don't hop on me about the exact number) or above, you will start to see the frequent appearance of ghosts. On the server list, there is a ping column that you can use to see which servers you will have a better connection to. Lower ping is always better.
Welcome to the game :D