Hello people (just an intro)
Hi everyone. Just thought would thank the developers for creating such an amazing game. Really, in 15 mins of one game I can get such satisfaction I can't get from 2 hours of Skyrim ... AC is fast and thats what I like about it. Thank you, devs :)
I am a dental student and I though a fast-paced shooter with real players would be a great way to relax on weekends ... and I was right ! Good way to upgrade reaction time, visual scanning, aiming and strategy also. Many benefits, in just 15 mins.
My fav weapon is assault rifle. Used to be shotgun, but as the aiming got better, changed.
Anyway, I bet I have seen some players from here many times ;) Just few questions:
1) I have fast, but unstable connection (speed goes, say from 10 mb / sec to bytes, sometimes). Most of the time, I don't experience lags, but sometimes I get these players who seems to disconnect (translucent, waving) and then in a second reconnect / "jump" / "teleport", etc. Thats annoying, as I end up using all magazine on a "hologram" and then get shot from behind :( Question is: is it my problem ? Do I lag or they lag ? How to know thats it a lag and not a cheat / hack ? Btw, if that happens, its never all players who "teleport".
2) Is there a way to limit those sneaky players, who shoot from the same position through a small hole, covered by a wall, if the minute you respawn, you get headshot / gibbed ? In certain locations there is nothing you can do, cause you respawn at the same place, 90 degrees to the hole with the "sniper" - the speed at which you turn is still not enough no matter what - you get killed. Can you pre-position yourself, i.e. turn yourself before respawning ?

Thanks again, great game
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Messages In This Thread
Hello people (just an intro) - by alastor192 - 19 Jul 13, 08:21PM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by alastor192 - 19 Jul 13, 10:58PM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by Krayce - 19 Jul 13, 11:12PM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by alastor192 - 20 Jul 13, 12:48AM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by Krayce - 20 Jul 13, 02:50AM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by Waffles - 20 Jul 13, 03:21AM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by Rainbow - 21 Jul 13, 09:30PM
RE: Hello people (just an intro) - by alastor192 - 22 Jul 13, 01:24PM