(18 Jul 13, 04:55PM)Bukz Wrote: Alternatively you can throw it all together into a script so you only need to execute a single command:
[cubescript]botmodes = 7 // bot team deathmatch
botskills = good // good is default bot difficulty
custombotmap = [
if $numargs [
cstmap = $arg1
if (> $numargs 1) [
tmsize = $arg2
] [ tmsize = 0 ]
if (<= $tmsize 0) [
tmsize = 4
curtm = (curteam)
if (&& (! (strcmp $cstmap [])) (|| (= $curtm 0) (= $curtm 1))) [
addOnLoadOnce [
loop i 2 [
addnbot (- $tmsize (= $i $curtm)) (at [CLA RVSF] $i) $botskills
votemap $botmodes $cstmap
docident [custombotmap] [Loads a custom map in a bot mode, and automatically adds bots to it.];
docargument [M] [The map to use.] [] [0];
docargument [S] [The size for each team.] [4 would put four bots onto one team, and three bots onto the other team for an even match.][/cubescript]
where to type this code?