Moon Jumping! I like it! Beats "rifle jumping" by a mile, lets keep it.
Xaivior, recoil in Assaultcube ignores the rules of gravity. Since recoil can send you backwards, it can send you upwards (or whichever direction you're pointing the weapon in) as well.
Point the weapon straight down and shoot, you'll gain extra jump. Point the weapon forward and run backwards while firing it, you'll zoom backwards like a jet. Point the weapon 45 degrees downwards and spam jump while running backwards, you'll bounce like a beachball across the map.
All weapons can do this to varying degrees, with Assault Rifle having the most noticeable one.
Xaivior, recoil in Assaultcube ignores the rules of gravity. Since recoil can send you backwards, it can send you upwards (or whichever direction you're pointing the weapon in) as well.
Point the weapon straight down and shoot, you'll gain extra jump. Point the weapon forward and run backwards while firing it, you'll zoom backwards like a jet. Point the weapon 45 degrees downwards and spam jump while running backwards, you'll bounce like a beachball across the map.
All weapons can do this to varying degrees, with Assault Rifle having the most noticeable one.
(06 Sep 10, 06:26AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: This is also it!Touche.