19 Jun 13, 06:33PM
(This post was last modified: 30 Jun 13, 09:11PM by Roflcopter.)
The following teams clash this round (to be played from 19 to 30 June):
Note: all these matches will be played with the semifinal tiebreakers: sunset and keller.
These matches will reduce six teams to four.
Rules Summary
Scoring is based on flags only; if flags are equal neither team won
The team listed first picks a map and side to play in CTF
Then the team listed second gets to pick
If both teams have won one round a tiebreaker on sunset is played
The tiebreaker is played on both sides and the flags are totalled
If flags are tied again, both sides of keller are played in the same way
To decide the sides played first in the tiebreakers, shuffle the teams and move to the side with the majority of your players
Please use this thread to contact one another and suggest times to play.
Once a time is decided please post it below so we can arrange live streams!
FunDog-TheClan vs Owning Noobs Everywhere
[Hunt] vs Crushing our Enemies
w00p vs Legendary Cubers
Absolute kings vs Crushing our Enemies
The Billybobbers vs w00p
[Hunt] vs Crushing our Enemies
w00p vs Legendary Cubers
Absolute kings vs Crushing our Enemies
The Billybobbers vs w00p
Note: all these matches will be played with the semifinal tiebreakers: sunset and keller.
These matches will reduce six teams to four.
Rules Summary
Scoring is based on flags only; if flags are equal neither team won
The team listed first picks a map and side to play in CTF
Then the team listed second gets to pick
If both teams have won one round a tiebreaker on sunset is played
The tiebreaker is played on both sides and the flags are totalled
If flags are tied again, both sides of keller are played in the same way
To decide the sides played first in the tiebreakers, shuffle the teams and move to the side with the majority of your players
Please use this thread to contact one another and suggest times to play.
Once a time is decided please post it below so we can arrange live streams!