My map does not meet requisites!?
Well if somebody makes a map just for their server, and people like it so much that it starts being voted in on other servers, well then obviously the majority of the people enjoy the map, or it wouldn't be voted in. If you are unhappy with this, create your own server, or join one of the many servers that don't allow users to vote on other maps.

If a map is actually 'crappy', then obviously people will not want to play it.

Basically you are saying that when the majority of players like a map, they are all wrong, and the small minority can declare the map crappy. Sounds fair to me.

Its all a bit ironic though, thanks for making Assault Cube open source so we can fix this problem our selves.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: My map does not meet requisites!? - by MasterApple - 05 Sep 10, 07:27AM