8th Official Mapping Competition!
sr_deadwood by SrPER$IAN
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West wild is one the most popular periods in American history. That’s why the western is a genre of various art, such as film, television, radio, painting and today AC. Deadwood Town or sr_deadwood is made to bring the atmosphere of wild west age to the game. It has been tried hard to be loyal to the reality as much as possible. Welcome to Deadwood Cowboys.

Map Story
Deadwood is actually one the most famous town during the wildest age of the United States, which grew too fast by gold miners. Story is based on a guy named as,"Billy the Kid", one of the most famous gunslingers of the wild west arrives the city with his gang to rob the bank, but they have no idea Marshal and his guys are waiting for them. The bank is located somewhere at the middle of the town, and war the begins when two sides spread out in the town from the Rail station from the South to the North which is the Church located.

Map Gameplay
The main town is made up of a main road which represent the middle path. There are also two more ways to the bases(left and right) which is passing inside the houses in the city. The sideways paths are connected to the main road in several spots which allows more exciting and unpredictable moves and teamwork. Most powerful pickups are intentionally located on the sideways paths, brings incentives to use all spots of the map according to the gameplay.(picture below)
[Image: 36062296970381106228_thumb.jpg]

Map Details
Deadwood is basically made for CTF wars, but it also fun to play TOSOK and some one-on-on OSOK Duels (though all modes are available for the map). The map consists of 13 main buildings such as Saloon, Rail Station, Post Office, Bank, Stable, Church, Hotel, Sheriff's Office, General Store and Babershop, which is supported by 10 player spawns for each sides and 20 for FFA. Since the map is not so big, personally it's suggested to play for max. 16 players.


Main street and Saloon Bar
[Image: 70187827670191237503.jpg]

[Image: 48534454731255585813.jpg]

General Store and Post Office at the right side
[Image: 54420762684627002856.jpg]

The Church(RVSF Base) and the Cemetry beside
[Image: 50820705101190574515.jpg]

Hotel and Sheriff's Office
[Image: 05451539331873226799.jpg]

Surely my big Thanks belongs to DES|cleaner, who really supported me a lot with his masterpiece models[most of the new models in the map is made by him]. I have made something for him to appreciate a corner of his efforts in akimbo.
Also let me say my special thanks to Aslowoldman,Raczo, Thesniper09, Misterfloppy and boeufmacironton who have made some other models in this map. Also I thank alot Snoosnoo[mapper of ac_wildwest], and Stupp[ac_western], I inspired a lot from their maps.

It's the time to draw your revolver and face your opponent in a duel. Rendezvous @ sr_deadwood. ; )
ATTENTION : The map is made for SVN version only.
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Edited :The map name got edited to sr_deadwood. My apology to Think3r(ac_deadwood mapper), surely the name similarity was unintetional at all.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: 8th Official Mapping Competition! - by SrPER$IAN - 15 Jun 13, 06:50PM