05 Jun 13, 03:50PM
Well I think the 1.1 AR and the 1.2 Sniper are not comparable at all.
My first argument would be that you can not have a team full of sniper like the actual game is full of AR, it's an absolute non-sence strategy and it will give you a better chance to loose.
It's true the Sniper is much more powerfull than the 1.1 one, but it's still less powerfull than on the 1.0, and I don't remember the forum was spammed by Sniper haters, all saying the Sniper was far too OP, plus players had a far more noble behavior regarding to the competiton scene.
The sniper is a strategic pick, as I said before, your team (3 players) can not be made with more than 1 sniper, (maybe 2 on some maps), it's always usefull to have an automatic weapon. Plus the sniper requiers skill and strategy, wich AR doesn't need if you rush fast.
About other weapons, if I was Larry, I would be even more scaried by the Carabine, because this weapon is much more polyvalent, can counter "any weapons" at "any ranges" and on a larger map panel than the Sniper.
The AR is still strong IMO, because it's easier to own than the 1.2 SMG, but now the SMG have a chance to win in more situations (AR was stronger almost everywhere), the long range SMG will be very hard to own, plus the huge recoil (wich I presonately dislike because it kills the fun, and RIP bad mousse users) make it almost useless on huge maps (ac_iceroad?).
The shotgun doesn't scarry me that much, especially in public, because you need a perfect aim (almost as perfect as the carabine) to deal damages.
My first argument would be that you can not have a team full of sniper like the actual game is full of AR, it's an absolute non-sence strategy and it will give you a better chance to loose.
It's true the Sniper is much more powerfull than the 1.1 one, but it's still less powerfull than on the 1.0, and I don't remember the forum was spammed by Sniper haters, all saying the Sniper was far too OP, plus players had a far more noble behavior regarding to the competiton scene.
The sniper is a strategic pick, as I said before, your team (3 players) can not be made with more than 1 sniper, (maybe 2 on some maps), it's always usefull to have an automatic weapon. Plus the sniper requiers skill and strategy, wich AR doesn't need if you rush fast.
About other weapons, if I was Larry, I would be even more scaried by the Carabine, because this weapon is much more polyvalent, can counter "any weapons" at "any ranges" and on a larger map panel than the Sniper.
The AR is still strong IMO, because it's easier to own than the 1.2 SMG, but now the SMG have a chance to win in more situations (AR was stronger almost everywhere), the long range SMG will be very hard to own, plus the huge recoil (wich I presonately dislike because it kills the fun, and RIP bad mousse users) make it almost useless on huge maps (ac_iceroad?).
The shotgun doesn't scarry me that much, especially in public, because you need a perfect aim (almost as perfect as the carabine) to deal damages.