Assault Cube Server
Yesterday I move to a new FreeBSD server installation. I installed Assault Cube, moved my own server binary to the /usr/local/libexec and copied the .assaultcube folder to my home directory.

Nothing has changed, although Assault Cube doesn't recognize any official map from the package. The custom maps I've uploaded where recognized...

AC is able to read the old config files, maps, maprotation, blacklists... But can't get the maps from the 'official' directory... What's going wrong?

Using existing ~/.assaultcube directory.
Database constructed with 167700 items.
reading commandline parameters from file 'config/servercmdline.txt'
logging started: console(INFO), file(DISABLED), syslog(INFO, "AssaultCube[local#28763]", local6), timestamp(DISABLED)
logging local AssaultCube server (version 1104, protocol 1132/104) now..
read 9 map rotation entries from 'config/maprot.cfg'
maprot error: map 'ac_shine' not found
read 6 admin passwords from 'config/serverpwd.cfg'
read 1967 (2139) blacklist entries from 'config/serverblacklist.cfg', 8 errors
read 0 + 0 entries from nickname blacklist file 'config/nicknameblacklist.cfg', 0 errors
dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit
looking up
master server registration succeeded

The maps are in the package, so I don't know why it won't recognize them...

[Image: public.php?service=files&t=bc5372c0d0ae3...1&download]
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Messages In This Thread
Assault Cube Server - by MathiasB - 01 Jun 13, 08:10AM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by ExodusS - 01 Jun 13, 10:27AM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by DrauL - 01 Jun 13, 10:34AM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by MathiasB - 01 Jun 13, 11:13AM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by MathiasB - 01 Jun 13, 05:42PM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by MathiasB - 03 Jun 13, 08:57AM
RE: Assault Cube Server - by SupposedlyFlare - 07 Jun 13, 03:56PM