8th Official Mapping Competition!
Even more, whole Asia Minor :)

So here is my entry for the 2013 mapping contest...

It’s 133B.C., the Romans have attached Asia Minor to their empire. A new ‘provincia’ is born and lots of rich citizens are going to exploit the region under the lead of the ‘propraetor’.
One of those patricians starts building his own Greek-like polis, somewhere on one of the most deserted places of Anatolia. But not every patrician has the same amount of money and goods, and so his new polis becomes a very small polis built with cheap materials.
The patrician dies, while his city isn’t yet ornamented with marble or painted. It consist just of bare, brick constructions. Lots of materials are still inside the boxes waiting to be unpacked and to be used to decorated the polis.
But as their leader died, a Babylonian chaos was born, and no one had the power to finish the polis. One by one all its citizens went away to find their happiness in other places. And soon the desert starts to dominate the Agora of this small Greek Polis!

[Image: Agora-by-MathiasB.png]

Download and additional images: http://denbeke.be/blog/agora-greek-polis...-mathiasb/

Also posted on the 'real' forum: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-6801.html
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Messages In This Thread
RE: 8th Official Mapping Competition! - by MathiasB - 27 May 13, 06:02PM