17 May 13, 09:43PM
Wiki Clan List Rules: (Must Read)
- Your clan must submit all of the required data below.
- Your clan must have existed for more than three months and you must be able to prove this.
- You must be in the clan you are adding.
- If your clan becomes inactive it will be either deleted or moved to the "Retired Clans List" at our disgression.
Provide the required data:
Full name of clan:
Clan Tag:
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format):
Proof of 3 month existence:
IRC and network: (Optional)
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
Basic clan info:
Founders of your clan (without clantags):
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags):
Current number of members:
must all be posted in http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1762.html
- Your clan must submit all of the required data below.
- Your clan must have existed for more than three months and you must be able to prove this.
- You must be in the clan you are adding.
- If your clan becomes inactive it will be either deleted or moved to the "Retired Clans List" at our disgression.
Provide the required data:
Full name of clan:
Clan Tag:
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format):
Proof of 3 month existence:
IRC and network: (Optional)
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
Basic clan info:
Founders of your clan (without clantags):
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags):
Current number of members:
must all be posted in http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1762.html