(15 May 13, 01:06PM).ExodusS* Wrote:(14 May 13, 11:27PM)Waffles Wrote: agreed, but des3 was so overplayed in some tournaments, that many teams began winning from rvsf until people who picked it realized they actually had to try harder....So all I want to say is that you must be really more skilled than your opponents if you want to win in the bad side with bad weapons, so clans like this are always forcing others to change and be stupid try-harders like them @using a weapon they don't like and voting maps they don't like just to win.
desert3 isn't overplayed because it is biased. oNe pick desert3 most of the time, at least when i'm playing, because it provides the most enjoyable gameplay out of any map. you have long range, aim based gameplay, rather than running into your opponent with an SMG on gothic, holding down mouse1 with both of you facing certain death. you have great room on the map to outmaneuver and outsmart your opponent, and press for advantages properly, which you won't find on many other maps in AC. every other map aside from werk is nowhere near as open as desert3. serious offenders of stale gameplay are ingress, depot and outpost.
i don't disagree that some people just pick AR because its OP and easy, but personally, i love using the AR because of the greater mobility it provides, which fits my play-style perfectly, as i always felt the SMG unsuitable to my play-style simply because of the lack of mobility. as such, SMG is far less enjoyable to use for me than the AR and this is the same for a great deal of other players.