ExodusS do you even play at all ? I think you rage, criticize & insult more than you actually play the game, and then you try to bring up some rules about how to create a good atmosphere in matches... paradox !
You play with the same restricted group of people all the time, and they all endure your rage & anger (i don't even know how they do)
Before trying to rally the community and make common rules of how to behave good in matches, maybe you should actually get out of your microcosm and see what's happening outside.
The only times you actually do get outside this closed circle, it's to get angry, rage and moan on people in AC (pub or CMs) and then you get back into the closed circle again.
I'm not even close to raging, but I'm really amazed by such a particular character as yours.
(13 May 13, 09:44PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Because you don't play with good peoples.
You play with the same restricted group of people all the time, and they all endure your rage & anger (i don't even know how they do)
Before trying to rally the community and make common rules of how to behave good in matches, maybe you should actually get out of your microcosm and see what's happening outside.
The only times you actually do get outside this closed circle, it's to get angry, rage and moan on people in AC (pub or CMs) and then you get back into the closed circle again.
I'm not even close to raging, but I'm really amazed by such a particular character as yours.