Obviously 3v3..
Please correct me if I'm wrong
Ang gj organizing this larry.. Finally something to look forward to in AC
(13 May 13, 06:55AM)ThePrinter Wrote:If I'm not wrong, those r the tiebreak maps, (2nd one is just in cases the tiebreaker is tied). The teams pick their own maps, and if each team wins one pick each, the first tiebreak map is played (which is werk in round 1).. It will be played twice, and then flags from both rounds will be "totalled".. In case of a draw on flags, the 2nd tiebreak map is picked...Quote:Whichever team appears higher in the bracket picks a map to play first
But the maps are allready set. This means that the 'higher' team get to pick on of the 2 maps and chose side? or need the maps to be played in order of appearance? and can the 'higher' team only chose sides?
and the second team has to vote the second map? or can they vote the same map as the 'higher' team.
'higher' team = the team that appears higher in the bracket
Please correct me if I'm wrong
Ang gj organizing this larry.. Finally something to look forward to in AC