08 May 13, 04:15AM
If you get caught cheating you automatically turn into a rat (a 3d model rat) without being able to jump, with no weapon, no knife no nothing. Just being able to roam (like a filthy rat)
The other players can kill the rat of course, and this doesn't count as a team kill nor in the score. Should emit a rat sound. The size of the rat shuold be just barely noticeable so the rat dont get much attention and disturbes the gameplay.
Take the new york subway's rat as an example of how disgusting should the 3d model be.
The other players can kill the rat of course, and this doesn't count as a team kill nor in the score. Should emit a rat sound. The size of the rat shuold be just barely noticeable so the rat dont get much attention and disturbes the gameplay.
Take the new york subway's rat as an example of how disgusting should the 3d model be.