28 Apr 13, 11:57PM
(This post was last modified: 28 Apr 13, 11:59PM by rampage.wd.)
(28 Apr 13, 06:43AM)Jg99 Wrote: LOL iguana. IMO the rules are too long, it should be simplified into these simple rules: BE nice, no cheating, no tking, no racism, and no insults.
You don't have to read the descriptions fully. The bold prints are kind of straight forward.
(28 Apr 13, 07:52AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: You could've saved a lot of time. All your rules are the universal rules of the game, with exceptions with your points 4 and 5.
Yes but if I don't add the universal ones now.. people on the server will just complain and yell "ABUSE" for the dumbest reasons.
One crazy story would be of 2 clients threatening have us globally blacklisted because they can't talk about "The Pirate Bay" or other illegal file sharing sites. So the rules I've posted are pretty much one big heads up that if you don't like specific rules like that, then I wouldn't connect to OPEN.
We've also had people come on our server just to call a map vote and when all the guests vote no (which fails the vote), they start cussing their brains out at the people that voted no, and then wonder why they were banned, and of course make pathetic threats like: "Ima report you for abuse!" or my personal favorite, "Ima hack your computer you piece of..."
So... as long as the majority of the people on the forum agree with the rules I posted above and/or give us some feedback, most of our newest mods will know that they aren't doing anything wrong while dealing with the situations.
Also it only took me less than 10 minutes to write the rules.
(28 Apr 13, 08:59AM)RKTnoob Wrote: I salute your no drug policy.
Thanks. I do too. lol
I will admit that a lot of the rules did come from another game that I used to administrate in for 7 years (Star Wars online). And then the no drug policy has always been a rule carried with me for every single game or network I have been administrating on for 12+ years.
I would like to clear one thing as I have been seeing this all over the place:
I am not DM, nore is it my alias. DM (DeadMan), is someone who has been a guest on OPEN for longer than I have and only recently became a Moderator. Do not get him mixed up with me, and I only go by one name in AssaultCube, rampage. Sometimes you will catch me undercover, while I am trying to go after specific cheaters or trouble makers; but otherwise, I am and always well be called, rampage. The same name I've carried ever since I started video gaming many, many years ago (Pacman - high scores chart was the first) and never I changed it.
I hope this clears that up for those who were confused.