Last man standing sound effect
Hey all,

In some shooters, there is a *dramatic* sound effect that plays when you suddenly become the last person on your team standing.

In AssaultCube, this would make sense for round based team modes, such as TOSOK and TSURV.

This video is an example.
Start at 7:00 about and listen for the SFX at 7:03.
Again, at 12:40 and SFX at 12:43

The video doesn't give that *drama* effect though, as it's a lot more intense hearing it when you are PLAYING, not SPECTATING (The player in the video was spectating).

It really can be nerve-wracking when you are moving in with your team... lose sight of your mate... hear some distant firing... then *DUNNNN* ==> "Oh sh*t. Just me left."

I don't know if this would be suitable in a game like AC. Just an idea, please post thoughts below. I'm sure it's not hard to implement/code.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Last man standing sound effect - by RCJD - 26 Apr 13, 05:15AM
RE: Last man standing sound effect - by Marti - 26 Apr 13, 11:16AM
RE: Last man standing sound effect - by Andrez - 26 Apr 13, 01:15PM