25 Apr 13, 09:43AM
Ok. You want this simply? Just make me a fking Mod. Do it. I had the ability to delete my posts with my original AC Titan's privileges and never abused them. I'm a founding member of The Proving Grounds. I am AC's Resident Drunk. I am still playing this fking game after 5 years. Give me the chance to prove myself and I'll do it fking splendidly. I'll be a happy panda knowing I've been finally "accepted" into this shit. I can't dev. I don't know shit about it and couldn't contribute anything worth a damn that you all would understand. I have my own style. and I'm way to much of a drinker to learn numbers and stuff. However I'd make a badass Mod. I've seen all the shit, talked all the shit, been through all the shit that anyone past, present or future has ever talked and will ever talk. I know when Topics need to die and when they deserve a sip of Red Bull. Trolls will eat fiery balls of beatdown under my watch, and shimmies will be highly re-fking-garded. I'm still here after 5 years of hell and I'll still be here after 10 years of Hell Yes.
Peace out shimmies. I've discovered I really fking love HTF Shine, cuz NOONE can touch me on there. Bring it.
Peace out shimmies. I've discovered I really fking love HTF Shine, cuz NOONE can touch me on there. Bring it.