23 Apr 13, 10:04PM
(23 Apr 13, 09:27PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: tralalala
Yes teamkilling is a part of ac and it was just made easier to do with a shotgun. Maybe its just me and everyone that has a shotgun always aims to tk me.. maybe im special like that?
"1. I don't see how this even is an arguement, sorry."
ok lets put it this way..
why was shotgun "fixed" in SVN ?
Because it is shit now?
Ever experienced shutgun camping?
Ever experienced getting splattered around every corner while you have the flag? (i guess this will be the same in next version)
If you like fast gameplay, you will get splattered a lot!
You dont see how this could annoy people?
Its not like that in every map, but in... for example des3 it is!
I dont like the shotgun as a weapon in this game, thats all!
Anyway, my whole post was like a question...because im not sure.