AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch
Some players asked me not to focus on interviewing competitive players only. So here we go - itsBRITNEYb!tch ! Special guest, it's a pub player most people might know. Turned 18 a few weeks ago, American and has played AC for 2 years. Male or female? Who knows...

1) What is your favorite weapon in Assault Cube, and why?

I'd say the carbine is my favorite, with the shotgun a close second. It depends on the map, really. There are some maps where I MUST use the carbine (e.g. douze, depot, iceroad), but not really any maps where the shotgun is a necessity. Well, maybe arid...

2) What is your favorite official map, and favorite custom map? Why?

Favorite map would probably be ac_shine and favorite custom map would be ac_dust2. Shine is fast-paced, yet isn't the clusterf*ck that douze is. You can't go very far without getting into a firefight. Dust2 has a nice sense of openness to it, yet isn't as chaotic as douze. The carbine comes in handy in that one.

3) What kind of maps should be official in your opinion? Are there any custom maps you'd like to see getting official?

If I had to guess, I'd say that CTF is probably the most played mode in the game, so I'd cater more to maps that lend themselves well to that mode. The community should have a major voice as to which ones get added. As far as custom maps go, the only one that comes to mind is ac_dust2, although there's probably a reason it hasn't already been added.

4) What is your favorite mode in Assault Cube, and why?

Definitely CTF. I like the idea of warring factions pushing forward and not stopping until they've seized the enemy flag... or until they're taken out by campers. Either way, it's hella fun.

5) Your nick is "itsBRITNEYb!tch". What is the origin of it's creation? I've heard you've been banned several times because of it. Must be pretty annoying, ain't it?

I only recall once that I've been banned because of it, although I have been kicked a few times when playing on newer, smaller servers. That is pretty frustrating. Playing a shooter where you can splatter a guy into tiny chunks is ok, but a mild curse word is too corrupting for impressionable minds? That doesn't really make much sense to me. I rarely visit servers I'm not familiar with as a result.

6) Outside of CTF, what is your favorite mode in AC and why?

Next favorite would be OSOK, played almost exclusively on douze. It's pretty awesome to get 10+ players, although the spawns make you want to pull your hair out sometimes. I shoot from the hip, but if I ever learn to scope, I would be pretty awesome.

7) What do you think of Assault Cube as a free fps, like what it does well, what it doesn't? And how do you think it stands against other free multiplayer first person shooters?

Not having played other free FPS, I'm probably not the best person to compare. :/

8) Did you know about the ac forum before I told you about it? Do you think it could be helpful to keep up to date about the game and gather information about various things such as scripts or mods? It doesn't seem to be known to the regular pub player who only really cares about playing the game...

I've been a lurker for awhile now but have never posted, so the accounts I would make were eventually deleted. I'm not even sure most pub players know anything about scripts or the ability to apply various mods. It would be cool if AKIMBO were to make the jump from an external website to an in-game feature where players can download and have scripts/mods automatically installed for them.

9) Can you name a few of your favorite bands/music artists, songs or albums?

Bands: 65daysofstatic, Foo Fighters, Paramore
Artists: Britney Spears, P!nk, Eminem
Songs: Radio Protector (65daysofstatic), Best of You (Foo Fighters), Jesus of Suburbia (Green Day)
Albums: Blackout (Britney Spears), Riot! (Paramore), By the Way (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

10) Do you have any pets?

I have a couple of cats. I never gave them names, seeing as how they don't listen to me anyway. They're cats after all. I had a dog, but I had to give her away when I last moved. (T_T)

11) Are you a sports person? Which one/s do you practice and which ones do you like to watching on TV?

I'm probably not the most coordinated person, so I don't really partake in sports much. I do watch the NFL alot (I'm a big Dallas Cowboys fan). I also enjoy watching MMA (usually UFC), although I like Invicta FC as well. I'll also watch some NBA, but only when the playoffs start. I don't really pay any attention to other sports.

12) The devs are changing spread and recoil for most weapons once a new release is planned to balance them. Some weapons are undergoing big changes such as the carbine which is going to ignore armour partially or the shotgun which is changed completely to behave like a "real" shotgun (a lot of damage on short distances, unuseful on long range). What's your opinion on drastic changes like these?

As long as the game is still fun, I don't really care. I can adapt. Is the rifle sprint the next to go? I hate dealing with so many people doing it while playing CTF on douze. (Although I have been trying it out some lately. :P)

13) You can play AC basically 24/7 because you're not limited to play within your region but with people from all other the world unlike many other fps games. Might be convenient for people who don't have much spare time but it also involves the risk for pupils, students... to play too much. What do you think?

I think it's the player's responsibility to know when to put the game away and focus on work that needs to be done. This game isn't exactly an MMO, so it shouldn't take as much time away as other online games can. But maybe some positive things can come from it. Perhaps they'll develop an interest in game development or other game-related careers. You never know.

14) When you watch the server list on the master server, what is determinative for you what to play?

I have the servers sorted by number of players. I look for CTF matches with at least a dozen players, LSS and OSOK matches with at least 2 others, and ping that is ideally under 300.

15) What do you think about the scoreboard? Should ratio be part of it and do you like the existing score system? Should flags be the only aspect to factor in for winning or losing a game?

Ratio would be nice to have on there for the mathematically challenged folks, like me. I don't see the point of the score though. Flags should be the determining factor as to who wins a match. The alternative would basically be just glorified DM.

16) How did you find out about Assault Cube?

I learned about AC from a gaming forum I used to frequent. A poster I would eventually come to know as fellow AC player "Money$hot" mentioned it, so I gave it a try. It had a solid user base, fun gameplay, and my PC didn't have any problems running it, so I've stuck with it.

17) Why do you love Assault Cube?

You don't need a supercomputer to run it, it's fast-paced and fun, and I'm halfway decent at it too.

18) What features would you like to see added to Assault Cube?

Ability to pick up/drop weapons, be able to trade weapons with teammates, ability to carry and move some mapmodels in-game, achievements, skins/mods that other players can see, ability to throw your knife (Crocodile Dundee 2-style), and an official ranking system.

19) If you could add any weapon to AC, what would it be?

A laser trip mine. It would take 5 seconds to place, be more damaging and have a larger blast radius than a grenade, and would detonate if shot. A grenade that can be remotely detonated would be nice too.

20) What Operating System(s) do you use and why?

I use Windows XP SP3. My PC is a old ass Dell Dimension 8250. I'm not even sure if it can run Windows 7 and Vista's reputation precedes it. I honestly don't really know anything about Linux :/


Another future interviewee will be Ketar. You'd like to see someone interviewed? Feel free to pm me or post in this thread and I'll have a look. Up next: SaXzE.
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Messages In This Thread
AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Aight - 12 Apr 13, 03:38PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Oracle - 12 Apr 13, 03:40PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by schaf - 12 Apr 13, 04:32PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Money$hot - 12 Apr 13, 08:30PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Aekom - 13 Apr 13, 12:08AM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Aekom - 13 Apr 13, 08:49AM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Money$hot - 13 Apr 13, 09:38PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by jamz - 14 Apr 13, 09:59AM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Undead - 14 Apr 13, 03:07PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Money$hot - 15 Apr 13, 11:10PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Oracle - 14 Apr 13, 06:32PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Undead - 15 Apr 13, 07:52AM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by RKTnoob - 14 Apr 13, 06:59PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by RCJD - 19 Apr 13, 07:24AM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by ExodusS - 19 Apr 13, 12:12PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Aight - 19 Apr 13, 05:47PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Money$hot - 19 Apr 13, 08:36PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Money$hot - 19 Apr 13, 09:05PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Undead - 21 Apr 13, 06:35PM
RE: AC Interview: itsBRITNEYb!tch - by Skinny-Dog - 19 Apr 13, 09:02PM