Things that just make you rage
(02 Sep 10, 04:30PM)Acropolips Wrote: What Im going to be adding here are things that people do that are legal in assault cube (I dont ban anyone when they do these things for example) but really make me personally rage. Keep in mind this isnt meant to be offensive, its a thread for laughs and to make you think about your actions (and to realize why sometimes I rage in public and your all like wtf :D) Most of these are in pubs, because any sane pro wouldnt do any of these :D
Feel free to add your own in this thread.

1. The teammate nade spammer. If your playing on CTF Poer, you will absolutely RAGE at anyone who is nade spamming on your team. Lets say your RVSF, go through the left side manage to get the flag and go back through the left side, I GURANTEE there will be one teammate sitting at the nade spawn, SPAMMING AWAY, and he always manages to hit you with the nade.

2. The TKTF selfish loosers. Yes, your playing a nice (hardly) game of TKTF. The enemy has the flag and goes in the middle of the map. You, being the good lil teammate you are, go and kill him so your team can capture the flag. What is the rest of your team doing? Camping at the next flag spawn waiting to just eat the flag, so basically you do all the work AND get no flags.

3. The "I can move where ever I please" teammates. Yes, its everyones problem and it is hard to solve. But really, some teammates can really get onto your nerves when your attacking someon, they come out from behind you, put their back to your crosshair and shoot the enemy. This results in you tking him, and him getting the kill. To top it all off, then they try to vote kick me for tk. Pff.

4. The Spawn Killers. Their goal? Pick up a shotgun, luck their way into the enemy base and kill the enemies WITHOUT GETTING THE GOD D*** FLAG.

5. The Ratio Whore (in a bad way). Yes, you dont have to remind me that I used to be one of them. Basically, they camp on the hp and armour spawns, get no flags, try not to die as much as possible and get kills. While I still try to keep my ratio above 2 at all time, I still always go for the flag, which is the Good Ratio whore :)

6. The Mines Shotgunner. These people making all the clas rage. RVSF shotgunners who just sit at the ladder in the middle of the map, and wait for someone to come up. Yes, I know its easy to kill them with a quick snipe, but the first time they do it in a match is always unexpected and hella annoying.

7. The Door Blockers. They stand in a doorway so that you cannot pass. You have two options, TK (not likey) or go the other way, but if you have the flag, you will most likey die as if it was a race against 5 enemies chasing you and you dont have a roflpwn nade + insta headshot in 2 seconds skills, your toast.

8. The "You just got owned/teabagged/raped spammers". Its funny if you say it once, but when you keep saying it everytime you manage to luckily kill someone, its annoying.

9. The Rage Quitters. I may rage, but I NEVER rage quit, its too dishonourable. You managed to find a good nice little inter with a presumebly good teammate (or bad at which point youd already be raging). They get 0.5 ratio for half the match while whining then rage quit. What they dont get is that if they whined a little less, and played a little more, they would have more success.

10. The Aliased Admins. Yes, I do this too sometimes for laughs. Basically, you alias yourself, go into a pub and just play. Most newer players bash anyone without a tag. Then finally, when there is someone to kick (with a legititmate reason ofcourse :D), you get admin and kick him, at which point everyone will be like "Oh im so Sorry forgive me v33 v33 I love you"

11. The "I dont give a damn about my team" guy. This is what they are thinking "Hey, look theres acro coming with the flag. Heh, I dont feel like defending him I got better things to do like go pick up the armour on the otherside of the map yeh thats a good idea."

12. The HATERS. Kicked from a server for a legititmate reason? Dont come back and start raging at me in public or even worse, post on the forums (I think there is like 3 threads about me since 1.1 came out?)

13. The Mild Laggers. Not enough lag to justifiy a kick, but still there. They lag right by you, steal the flag then lag all the way back to their flag and score. This is why I never play in pohu (no offence to you kiwi :D) because the majority of players are not from Australasia, so everyone has 350+ ping there except for 1 or 2 Aussies (I dont hate you Aussies, remember Im in Aussie too living in Malta :D)

14. The guy that constantly begs you to drop for him. Let me get this one straight. I dont like this fact that EVERYONE expects you to drop for them. What I personally do? I drop for only friends. Not strangers. Why? Because most strangers never drop for me. So get over it. I like how some people (a sexy DES players I know :D) binds their backspace to say I dont need to drop the flag.

15. And finally the Ragers (thats me :D ). They rage at all of the above.

Post your own and remember, this is not trying to be offensive for anyone.

Edit: For Draki Baby, you totally missed the point of half of them, as Im referring to teammates, not enemies who do not help the team. And the thread is purposely for laughs, not whines :D

i rage when people quote big posts
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Messages In This Thread
Things that just make you rage - by Acropolips - 02 Sep 10, 04:30PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 02 Sep 10, 04:42PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by ketar - 02 Sep 10, 04:52PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Drakas - 02 Sep 10, 04:56PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by JGAN - 02 Sep 10, 05:02PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Zarjio - 02 Sep 10, 05:09PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Drakas - 02 Sep 10, 05:16PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Flames - 02 Sep 10, 05:26PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Mael - 02 Sep 10, 06:30PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Undead - 03 Sep 10, 11:11PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Orynge - 02 Sep 10, 10:54PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Panda - 02 Sep 10, 11:59PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by V-Man - 03 Sep 10, 06:47AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by V-Man - 03 Sep 10, 06:57PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 04 Sep 10, 02:35PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Undead - 04 Sep 10, 04:38AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by DrauL - 04 Sep 10, 07:01AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Undead - 06 Sep 10, 09:33AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 05 Sep 10, 10:13AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Cactus - 05 Sep 10, 10:12AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by pweaks - 05 Sep 10, 12:15PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 05 Sep 10, 11:43AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Zomg! - 05 Sep 10, 07:28PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 05 Sep 10, 08:15PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Zomg! - 05 Sep 10, 08:50PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Zomg! - 05 Sep 10, 08:56PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by titiPT - 05 Sep 10, 09:55PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by V-Man - 06 Sep 10, 03:40AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Luc@s - 06 Sep 10, 06:35PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 06 Sep 10, 09:18PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Undead - 06 Sep 10, 09:19PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by Revert - 06 Sep 10, 09:32PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 06 Sep 10, 09:42PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 06 Sep 10, 09:57PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by titiPT - 06 Sep 10, 09:58PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by KN!F3 - 06 Sep 10, 10:02PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 06 Sep 10, 10:07PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by spamma - 06 Sep 10, 10:08PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by yata - 07 Sep 10, 09:30AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 06 Sep 10, 10:19PM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by adam - 07 Sep 10, 06:17AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by JMM - 07 Sep 10, 09:47AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by titiPT - 07 Sep 10, 10:28AM
RE: Things that just make you rage - by DrauL - 07 Sep 10, 11:23AM