02 Sep 10, 05:09PM
Ah ha ha I love this thread Acro. Hilarious. A few rebuttals to drakas' points:
1. That's ridiculous. You should never have to be actively checking to make sure your teammates aren't TKing you. That is THEIR job.
7. Door blockers is not the player's problem, it is either poor map design, or else idiocy by whoever is doing it. You wouldn't stand in a doorway and expect people to go around you in real life, so why would you do it when bullets are flying and people are dying?
8. No, he didn't necessarily get owned, he was at 4 HP when some complete n00b who took 15 SMG shots to hit him got the kill. Unless you are Teabagging someone you know as a joke, it is completely rude and disrespectful.
10. Makes perfect sense, and it is annoying. When people have authority over me, in real life or anywhere else, I expect them to have the guts to identify themselves.
11. There's a difference between the newb who is learning to play the game and the solid player who couldn't care less about his team. It's a team game. Some of the best moments in AC happen when teams play extremely well together in pubs (eg. epic flag defenses during TKTF games on shine).
1. That's ridiculous. You should never have to be actively checking to make sure your teammates aren't TKing you. That is THEIR job.
7. Door blockers is not the player's problem, it is either poor map design, or else idiocy by whoever is doing it. You wouldn't stand in a doorway and expect people to go around you in real life, so why would you do it when bullets are flying and people are dying?
8. No, he didn't necessarily get owned, he was at 4 HP when some complete n00b who took 15 SMG shots to hit him got the kill. Unless you are Teabagging someone you know as a joke, it is completely rude and disrespectful.
10. Makes perfect sense, and it is annoying. When people have authority over me, in real life or anywhere else, I expect them to have the guts to identify themselves.
11. There's a difference between the newb who is learning to play the game and the solid player who couldn't care less about his team. It's a team game. Some of the best moments in AC happen when teams play extremely well together in pubs (eg. epic flag defenses during TKTF games on shine).