Are there any competitive players left?
I don't remember there were some shit histories on the 1.0 or before.

Cheaters were here, but nobody was playing against/with them, they were just disapearing. Now those cheaters are caught, but they still play and the communauty still accepts to play with them, and this is probably one of the biggest issue the competitive scene have.

The competitive scene is suffering because of a lack of players, almost everyone here said it's because they wait the next release to come back for better hopes, but it's totally false. The problem is from the players. But somewhere it's true that the 1.0 needed some skills to be recognized as a top clan, at least this is my point of view. When a new clan with fresh players were comming to the competition scene, they were constantly getting owned by |BC| w00p |oNe| |ANGR4| |3"| #M|A# |#LC*| (=MyS= and |O3| at the end of 1.0) and this during months.
The 1.1 can bring any players to the top in less than a month, you can take many exemples like Xemi/AnyTheOne/Newbie and others, those players came from nowhere and in less than a month were playing with best clans. ("best")
For some very/old experienced players, it's years of training and knowledge that are fucked up.

Plus the AR destroyed this "skill domination" by giving to average clans ({BoB} FD| and many others existing clans) a way to resist against strong clans. Matches were still won by strong clans, but scores are not so biased. What is the point of getting a lot of in-game experience if others just need the AR? Intensive years of matches were just fucked up.

I also can speak about those fake clans that appears at the 1.1, Epic. Legacy =By3= are great exemples of what the competition scene don't need. Their behavior was comparable to the extreme competitive =MyS='s behavior, but without the respect of the oponent, voting ac_aqueous CLA, ac_outpost RVSF is nothing but respectfull while you are on the competitive scene. Those clans only see the scoreboard, they think they win by voting unfair maps in their advantages, but the score doesn't show that you are better than your oponents.

Of course, almost all other clans did the same thing, voting biased maps (|oNe| with ac_desert3 CLA for exemple), playing only the AR (and insulting their teammates for don't playing it) to counter this effect, and this effect is snowballing since 2 years now. Now I always refuse an inter or a match against those clans just because I know that I will meet: cheaters, scriptabuse users, everyone playing AR, biased maps only...

Where is the time clans were proving their skills on fair maps with all the respect you must give to your oponents?
Not on the hostile 1.1 for sure.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there any competitive players left? - by Skinny-Dog - 27 Mar 13, 07:59PM
RE: Are there any competitive players left? - by ExodusS - 02 Apr 13, 05:54PM