The unwritten rules of the game: some questions
Recently I had in game (and on IRC) a *funny* conversation with some well known members of respected clans about the rules of the game. I'd like to have some opinions since there are things that seem obvious to me and that are seen by some players in a totally different way.

It happened on CTF on a pub (referring to Hi Skill ladder). A player of my team (that later would revealed to be a known player in disguise) had the flag and our flag was in the hands of the other team. Our team was struggling to recover it and when we finally succeeded, our teammate kept on running around with the flag, refusing to score even if in chat we invited him doin' it.

After a while and some efforts made to convince him to score (he was pretty good defending himself, so the thing was lastin too much) I was quite pissed of and I teamkilled him so the game could start again properly. There was a quarrel and some voting: he wanted to kick me for teamkilling, but at the end he was kicked by the majority for his behaviour. He came in again, he revealed himself, he was banned. He went on IRC, called a friend of him with the admin status on that server that came in and unbanned him without waiting for any explanations from the players who voted the (temporary) ban.

In search for an explanation I went on IRC. My point of view is that keeping the flag in CTF without scoring means altering the game and playing "against" your team, given that the purpose of the game is, clearly, scoring. I asked then for an answer to this.
The answer I got was that there are no "written rules" about that and so that one can do whatever he wants. Moreover, I have been told that in pubs there are only *noobs and idiots*, so their vote doesn't mean nothing.
I've been suggested to "have a life".

A few things here:

- don't you think that behaviours directed to alter the purpose of the game are, at the end, punishable, even if some rules are not written (cause they are obvious, imo)?

- If the majority of people vote a decision to protect their playing and the sportmanship of the game, isn't an abuse of power if the admin arbitrarily simply cancel that decision?

- aren't players in pubs worthy of respect?

- what you clan leaders would think of a member of your clan acting this way?[/i]

Clearing up these points would be very appreciated.
This post hasn't a polemic intent (no names). The purpose is merely find a definitive solution for something that seems irrational (and quite unrespectful) to me.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
The unwritten rules of the game: some questions - by ketar - 02 Sep 10, 12:49PM