Are there any competitive players left?
Lol at that post. As ive said before, people tend to want to bring new players in and treat them well. The first game i ever played with undead he called us all massive idiots and the like, but i learned a lot from the game. Its a simply a matter of playing the game, getting good at it, an enjoying the thrill of competition.

A league with clearly defined behavioral rules usually results in players acting accordingly to avoid suspensions etc. if the long term goal is to foster ac, a public view of slander from both sides does little to nothing to alleve (yes the drug) the situation.

Proactivity and not whining. You can either choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Since joining oNe ive tried to make games played against me as enjoyable as possible but ive had bad days too. Ultimately, its about having fun, and its a game, so lets not take this thing so seriously eh?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there any competitive players left? - by Skinny-Dog - 27 Mar 13, 07:59PM
RE: Are there any competitive players left? - by Waffles - 01 Apr 13, 02:56PM