30 Mar 13, 09:39PM
(This post was last modified: 31 Mar 13, 03:00AM by TheNihilanth.)
OR you can use the following windows script, which has a GUI that lets you select the folder where server.bat is and the folder you want to save the folder to, and therefore is more friendly than an ugly-geek-black-pseudoelite window.
Save this script with .vbs extension (For example in notepad, in "Save as" type: myscript.vbs and in file type change it to All files *.*) then just double click in the newly saved file to run it.
It can be improved more, but I didn't feel the need, it's just a quick 5-minutes-script
WHAT!? You still don't get it right? PM me or wait someone else with more patience helps you :)
Edit: I've just realized it can be cleaned up a bit. I'm being lazy right now.
Edit 2: OP, contact me for further asistance: Here it is the script file Just double click on it, select, the source path (where the server.bat is) and destination path (which folder you want your log be saved). This script was tested on my laptop (windows 7 x64 bits). You might need admin privileges to run it.
Save this script with .vbs extension (For example in notepad, in "Save as" type: myscript.vbs and in file type change it to All files *.*) then just double click in the newly saved file to run it.
It can be improved more, but I didn't feel the need, it's just a quick 5-minutes-script
' Script to change log folder path for AC
' by TheNihilanth
' Permission is granted to modify and distribute this code whatever
' way you like as long you don't modify and include the fisrt two
' lines of this file and you state your derivative work as such.
Const OPTIONS = 0
Dim server_bat_path
Dim server_bat_path_full
Dim log_file_path_full
Dim log_file_name
log_file_name = "ac_log.txt"
Set wshell= CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set server_bat_path = wshell.BrowseForFolder(WINDOW_HANDLE, "Select server.bat folder:", OPTIONS)
If server_bat_path Is Nothing Then
End If
server_bat_path = server_bat_path.Self.Path
server_bat_path_full = "'" + server_bat_path + "'" + "\server.bat"
Set server_bat_path_destination = wshell.BrowseForFolder(WINDOW_HANDLE, "Select destination folder:",
If server_bat_path_destination Is Nothing Then
End If
log_file_path_full = server_bat_path_destination.Self.Path + "\" & log_file_name
Set win_shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")
win_shell.Run "cmd /K CD " + server_bat_path + "& server.bat>" + log_file_path_full
Edit: I've just realized it can be cleaned up a bit. I'm being lazy right now.
Edit 2: OP, contact me for further asistance: Here it is the script file Just double click on it, select, the source path (where the server.bat is) and destination path (which folder you want your log be saved). This script was tested on my laptop (windows 7 x64 bits). You might need admin privileges to run it.