28 Mar 13, 01:25PM
Hey you can go here No-ip Domain, you can make your own IP domain for your cserver/servers!
1) Make your account
2) Make your first IP domain
3) Feel free to edit your domain when you finished it, for example:
/connect SoF-clan.no-ip.com 10000, or /connect SoF.servegame.com
I can't explain it well, becuase i'm using my cellphone, if you have any problem, PM me and i can help you ;)
1) Make your account
2) Make your first IP domain
3) Feel free to edit your domain when you finished it, for example:
/connect SoF-clan.no-ip.com 10000, or /connect SoF.servegame.com
I can't explain it well, becuase i'm using my cellphone, if you have any problem, PM me and i can help you ;)