8th Official Mapping Competition!
Yah nuts the best way to learn how to map in AC is to just do it. Especially COOP with other mappers who are more experienced than you. Any problems you run into get solved so you don't get "stuck" and you learn a lot faster than trying by yourself. That's how I learned back in the day in the clan MD, I would COOP with Apollo^MD, Lukas^MD, Archangel^MD and would learn so much in just 1 day.

SO DON"T BE DISCOURAGED if your not the "best" or more experienced mapper, you never know how your map will come out unless you do it and start!
Also Nuts why'd you call shadowF Shad?
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RE: 8th Official Mapping Competition! - by DogDancing - 28 Mar 13, 03:48AM