Master Server replies, but nothing will connect
I believe there is a bigger problem with wireless connections. That was my experience.
Removed and reinstalled the folders? Removed the folders? Removed? Deleted? And reinstalled? After that try to put a network cable to test.
Do the following procedure without the internet be active:
1) Delete the game folders.
2) Reboot the computer.
3) Reinstall the game.
4) Conect the computer into the router / modem using a network cable.
5) After that enter the game and test. (do not modify the shortcut for compatibility with XP, 2000 server etc..).

If this works you can take out the cable and connect the wireless without leaving the game. Must operate. If not report here.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Master Server replies, but nothing will connect - by 1Cap - 07 Mar 13, 08:21AM
RE: Master Server replies, but nothing will connect - by Skinny-Dog - 13 Mar 13, 03:30AM