8th Official Mapping Competition!
Actually, I'm already using your changes, and tbh, this map wouldn't even be possible without the selected object feature. The map is ~nearly done, all I need is to light it up, and add gameplay features, that is, player bases, spawn points, pickups and clips so nobody decides to jump off the wall to nothingness. It would be really helpful if SOMEBODY COULD WRITE A SCRIPT that generates LIGHT ENTITIES across the map uniformly, so I don't have to manually make and position every light *hint*wink*pleasehelpme*. This is my first map, and if somebody is willing to do anything or all of the above, I'll be glad to upload it and make a joint entry into the competition. While making demands in disguise of pleading for help, the map could use some more detailing and heightfields as the detailing I did is very amateurish and there are zero slopes on the map as it is.

So, if you are a experienced mapper, this is the perfect opportunity to enter the competition with some ~easy work, seeing how I got a 70% finished map.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: 8th Official Mapping Competition! - by RKTnoob - 06 Mar 13, 11:39PM