Somebody help me! please! I can not stop laughing!!
I'm going to die here! I'm rolling on the floor laughing!!
aff ..
Just push a little children Panic!
i think only 10 or 11 forum members here we'll be playing AC in a few months.
All others players will be in the BL.
And in most other 4 or 5 months only Mods and Devs we'll be playing!
.New version, new fórum, new hope.
Pri3sT and Lexus. Expect the new version to be ready. Change the name, change the Ip and change your mind. Train hard and help the game to grow, ie: Help us to take of cheaters in this game. You guys want a confidence vote now?Then , post here demos of other players using cheater. Prove that you guys left it.
Pri3sT and LeXus.
Esperem a nova versão estar pronta. Mudem o nome, mudem o Ip e mudem a mente.
Treinem pesado e ajudem o jogo a crescer, ou seja: Ajudem a tirar os trapaceiros do jogo.
Voces querem um voto de confiança agora? Postem aqui demos de outros jogadores que usam cheater. Provem que voces sairam disso.
One shot one love one life one opportunity
I'm going to die here! I'm rolling on the floor laughing!!
aff ..
Just push a little children Panic!
i think only 10 or 11 forum members here we'll be playing AC in a few months.
All others players will be in the BL.
And in most other 4 or 5 months only Mods and Devs we'll be playing!
.New version, new fórum, new hope.
Pri3sT and Lexus. Expect the new version to be ready. Change the name, change the Ip and change your mind. Train hard and help the game to grow, ie: Help us to take of cheaters in this game. You guys want a confidence vote now?Then , post here demos of other players using cheater. Prove that you guys left it.
Pri3sT and LeXus.
Esperem a nova versão estar pronta. Mudem o nome, mudem o Ip e mudem a mente.
Treinem pesado e ajudem o jogo a crescer, ou seja: Ajudem a tirar os trapaceiros do jogo.
Voces querem um voto de confiança agora? Postem aqui demos de outros jogadores que usam cheater. Provem que voces sairam disso.
One shot one love one life one opportunity