(17 Feb 13, 10:20AM)Xenon Wrote: I like being referred to as 'The Xenon'.
i was laughing a lot :D sounds funny, idk.
the map list is ok/solala. ;P
(17 Feb 13, 10:20AM)1Cap Wrote: I still do not know how is the choice of maps "official" because they will be played in clanmatchs.
playing clanmatch isnt the main goal. people play more public of course, so the thing, at what they looking at most, is just the "view". but im also not satisfied with the new official maps. there are a lot more, which are 100 times better. but its always the same, none likes always the same things. best example desert3. most player arent proud to win on this map because its really unfair but "oNe" is still becoming an orgasm when they win there against you...anyway, have a nice day @ "The ex-Cheater Xenon" (you also like being referred as this?) ;D