This script work in private match .
He inform the other players when a player is missing and open the mastermode automatically
If every player use this script .You block the game in waiting the missing
He inform the other players when a player is missing and open the mastermode automatically
If every player use this script .You block the game in waiting the missing
newmenu paused
menuitem (_ "Pause") "say Pause :A player is missing"
menuitem (_ "???") "say ???"
curplay = [
numpl = 0
loop npl 21 [
if (! (strcmp (findpn $npl) [])) [
+= numpl 1
result $numpl
bind o [mastermode 1]
checking = [if (curmastermode) [curplay;if (= $numpl $old ) [sleep 1000 [metro]][block]]]
mapstartalways = [old = 0;if (curmastermode) [curplay;old = $numpl;sleep 1000 [checking]]]
block = [say paused;mastermode 0;showmenu paused]