20 Jan 13, 08:36AM
(20 Jan 13, 07:54AM)VonDrakula Wrote: how does the AI decide who goes for the flag and who stays guard behind?
a simplistic way would be for the bot closest to the flag to go for it, or in the presence of a player allow for them to grab it.
(20 Jan 13, 07:54AM)VonDrakula Wrote: Shortest path is not always a good answer, how to do tactical path find to avoid interception by the enemy?
if you're looking to sneak past and grab a flag, you think about where all the opposing players are and what paths they're moving along, and thinking about where the missing players might be.
you may benefit greatly from watching a demo or two of competitive players playing the game in a match setting, and i'm guessing you could apply the logic of the players to the bots, even if its just simplistic stuff like having all the players moving along the correct sides.
heres a good one:
if you need help breaking down the thought processes in the players ill be happy to elaborate