12 Jan 13, 01:38PM
'Top' ten - seriously, this is just sad. Get out more. The biggest anomaly: the gap between Andrez and Wolf.Also, mybb seems to work out months in an odd way, which is why the totals don't look the same. Mine is a straight conversion from seconds (how the data is stored) into w,d,h,m.
Bukz 12w 1d 12h 27m
Ronald_Reagan 11w 6d 10h 16m
jamz 11w 6d 0h 53m
Andrez 11w 4d 21h 44m
#M|A#Wolf 6w 2d 16h 45m
ShadowFlameZ 5w 6d 8h 33m
kleinkariert 5w 3d 18h 57m
tempest 4w 6d 12h 12m
OpenSource 4w 4d 20h 53m
MykeGregory 4w 3d 15h 0m