Coming weapon with nade launcher...idea
What ShadowFlameZ said is correct, that was what i meant. Sorry if I can express myself as good, english is not my first language.

(04 Jan 13, 03:41PM)Matasar Wrote: Needs pictures from different angels as textures wont be nice else.

I would recommend you a new texuring methode. I used to paint images on my models too, but its a very messy, dirty and kind of a cheating way to make textures.
This texturing tutorial is for 3dsmax and photoshop I think but you can use the technique in every program. It's split in 4 parts a ~10 minutes. I would realy recommend you to look into it.

(04 Jan 13, 03:41PM)Matasar Wrote: Maybe you have time to animate this gun when im complete ?
Are you still doing 3D ?

I do, but different stuff now. I dont have a working md3 exporter anymore, so I could just help you small time.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Coming weapon with nade launcher...idea - by a_slow_old_man - 05 Jan 13, 03:06PM