If People Live Far, Their Pings Affects A Server?
As a server owner too I have also struggled to understand the pings people have, I have found that stability is the key. I am quite happy playing with people with 400+ ping if its stable, I think it is actually a disadvantage to them. I do however give a word of caution, there is a hack out there for speed which also gives the player high ping while speeding, not wharping due to ping spikes but consistent high ping. That is a speedhack and unfortuneately is quite common. I also would like to point to the importance of PJ or packet jump my understanding is this is the time between updates hence if this figure is high a player will be choppy or worse appear to warp. I have done some testing on my servers and found that high PJ can be atificially induced and players can use it to their advantage either to warp or lag out completely when being attacked. I have seen some players who disappear as you shoot them only to reappear and play normally once they have killed you from behind! These kind of cheats (if thats what they are) are difficult to spot/deal with personally if a player has a high ping that is stable no issue, if a player has high PJ say 60+ I would warn them (normally its something they are doing like a download or something) anyone who's PJ or ping is jumping up and down I would warn then kick, especially if you can see them speeding or disapearing while under attack.
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Messages In This Thread
If People Live Far, Their Pings Affects A Server? - by Skinny-Dog - 28 Dec 12, 10:52PM
RE: If People Live Far, Their Pings Affects A Server? - by DES|Anderson - 29 Dec 12, 11:38AM