28 Aug 10, 07:13AM
Just in case the devs are still in the mood to make new idents:
- Command which removes a given string from another
- Read-only variable which describes whether a vote is currently pending
- Ident that can describe a one-time execution based on conline contents (since some conline things take an uncertain amount of time before appearing)
- Option to squelch certain words/phrases (so they never make it onto my screen)
- Command which removes a given string from another
echo (delstr "I do not like CubeScript" "do not ")
output: I like CubeScript
- Read-only variable which describes whether a vote is currently pending
alias nextban [if $votepending [ban $arg1 (at $kickbanreason (rnd 5))] [sleep 1 [nextban]]]
- Ident that can describe a one-time execution based on conline contents (since some conline things take an uncertain amount of time before appearing)
alias checkip [whois $arg1; on_nextconout [WHOIS] [if (strstr (at $conline 2) $autoban_IP) [ban $arg1] []]]
- Option to squelch certain words/phrases (so they never make it onto my screen)