05 Dec 12, 07:18AM
(05 Dec 12, 03:29AM)Zarj Wrote: I just thought it would be useful to point out that this skill gap exists in all games. It is normal. AC is not any different in this respect.
I agree with Zarj, as well as Wolf's post.
(RR also made a great point, quite humorously ^^ )
If skill level was "evened-out", wouldn't the game be rather boring?
Having a variety of skill levels works well - clans or players at one "level" play together and learn one from one another. They can look up to those better than them. One day, they improve to become the next "level".
That was how I personally learned AC (and still continue learning) - through many many generous mentors in the community, of different level.
Yes, you can take into account other factors - connection, hardware, mods, etc.
But that's life.
AC may be a simple game, but lol, it's not some flash game where connection/hardware is often irrelevant.
So in conclusion, in every action game you'll come across players who were able to buy equipment, have good connection, etc.
Can't this analogy be made about human civilization too? Every second, more than 1 child is born. Odds are more likely for this child to be born in a poor, third-world country where there is less opportunity for his/her future.
That's life.
I will never spend money to go buy a great computer, mouse, keyboard, pad for gaming. Maybe this hinders me from improving in the game, or, maybe I have already hit my "max" (being a good gamer is not all about hardware). I guess I used to think this was unfair, but going back to the human civilization analogy, that's life.