05 Dec 12, 03:29AM
I just thought it would be useful to point out that this skill gap exists in all games. It is normal. AC is not any different in this respect.
Most people don't invest hundreds of hours into playing a single game. They download or buy a game, play it for a few weeks or months, and then move onto another game - or, they play several games at once, and they never get "really good" at any of them.
This happens with Halo, it happens with CoD, and of course it's going to happen with AC too. At any given moment, probably 80%+ of the players playing AC are noobs.
Most people don't stick around long enough to get involved in the community or even get decently good. It's not because AC sucks, or because they have 30 FPS, or because they are bad at games in general. Most people simply don't stick with one game for very long.
Most people don't invest hundreds of hours into playing a single game. They download or buy a game, play it for a few weeks or months, and then move onto another game - or, they play several games at once, and they never get "really good" at any of them.
This happens with Halo, it happens with CoD, and of course it's going to happen with AC too. At any given moment, probably 80%+ of the players playing AC are noobs.
Most people don't stick around long enough to get involved in the community or even get decently good. It's not because AC sucks, or because they have 30 FPS, or because they are bad at games in general. Most people simply don't stick with one game for very long.