19 Nov 12, 07:05AM
RandumKiwi Wrote:...(*bashing*)... the engine's problem with wide open spaces.
Can you please explain why can't the cube engine handle open spaces? After all it's based on a geo-mip-mapping rendering technique for landscapes (heighfields, hence the inhability to have stacked sectors/rooms) and it even (supposedly) has a LOD system and a "very high precision dynamic occlusion culling" which is (unless you are so kind to correct me) a mere raytracing for every cube (which is slow despite the fact it does makes use of a quad-tree). Can you tell us (to whomever is interested) more about the exact limitations of the engine? Lastly, What map(s) gets most out of the ac engine in terms of performace, I mean what official map is the example to follow (to mappers) of how to avoid the engine limitations you speak of?
Sorry to bug you with all this questions, it's just that the code is not readable at all, was it obfuscated purposely? ;)