19 Nov 12, 06:30AM
A remake would be awesome... assuming it follows the path of awesome that Riverside was and forever will be. However... the trouble is that there will never be another "Riverside" or even another "Elevation". Maps are created once and for all time. When they reach their finished product their style is never truly able to be duplicated without massive dedication. I'd love to see Shadow remake or actually just tidy up Riverside enough to get rid of the lag on the sides (if it makes ya feel better Shadow I eat lag like a BAWS :D.)
Not only are Riverside and Elevation excellent examples of what a map should be, they're downright AWESOME examples of a mapper reaching the pinnacle of success in a chosen pursuit.
A&D_Shadow :: We await more of your creations. Make them how you see fit and allow us the honor of tweaking them.
Not only are Riverside and Elevation excellent examples of what a map should be, they're downright AWESOME examples of a mapper reaching the pinnacle of success in a chosen pursuit.
A&D_Shadow :: We await more of your creations. Make them how you see fit and allow us the honor of tweaking them.