19 Oct 12, 06:53PM
Clayton, não foi isso que o jamz disse, no pm ele foi claro, extremanente educado e prestativo. O problema é que com o cliente ACWC não rola de inserir na whitelist do Masterserver, ninguen tá falando que vc usou cheat nem te comparando com outros jogadores. O cara só te explicou uma limitação que a central BL do AC tem. Agora se vc acha que isso é racismo e fica falando esse monte de bobagens aí fica difícil discutir com vc. Quem esta sendo desnecessariamente ofensivo aqui é vc. Esse teu papinho de perseguição aos brasileiros é conversa fiada, baixa o cliente certo e vai jogar tranquilo ao invés de falar merda aqui no forum.
1Cap, you completely misunderstood what jamz said, in his PM he was very helpful and polite in trying to explain you the situation. The problem here lays within the limitations of AC central BL system, he can not whitelist you unless you use the official AC client. Now if you think this is "racism" because you are Brazilian and you come here to say a bunch of bull shit about a guy that is clearly trying to help you out it gets very difficult to reason with you. jamz is not the one with "ofencive and unnecessary" comments here. This "prejudice against Brazilians" posts of yours are idiotic. Now cut the crap, download the right client and go play in peace.
1Cap, you completely misunderstood what jamz said, in his PM he was very helpful and polite in trying to explain you the situation. The problem here lays within the limitations of AC central BL system, he can not whitelist you unless you use the official AC client. Now if you think this is "racism" because you are Brazilian and you come here to say a bunch of bull shit about a guy that is clearly trying to help you out it gets very difficult to reason with you. jamz is not the one with "ofencive and unnecessary" comments here. This "prejudice against Brazilians" posts of yours are idiotic. Now cut the crap, download the right client and go play in peace.