brightskins were completely impossible to enforce in 1.0 when they were ACTUALLY brightskins. afaik its impossible to use real brightskins now. they were extremely frowned upon, anyone who applied to oNe and used them had to uninstall them or close their application.
some of the 1.0 exploits were pretty god damn awful, including the dgbhbox command which was essentially an inbuilt cheat that let you see the hitbox of opponents in the form of a wireframe. you could see people around corners before they saw you, which made it really damn handy in tosok more than anything else. MyS members and others were using it for a bit before they stopped, which is why i give yoursister shit for it. was pretty funny seeing the screenshots, full brightskins, black sky, dbghbox and low res.
lowres is completely fine in my opinion, it helps people who already have low fps, while i don't use it personally myself because i prefer playing with the standard textures, some people believe it allows them to aim easier. i don't need it to have an edge and i have one of the very best aims in AC.
as far as equipment and fps is concerned, you don't gain any advantage out of having higher fps, its just that the game is smoother afaik. gaming mice/headsets/whatever are fine to use also.
the difference between all of those and the jump script is the jump script modifies gameplay in AC. this is where the line is drawn where it fits the definition of cheating. it is UNFAIR, and an advantage, making it a cheat. by your own definition, people can use easily findable and make-able cheats because its hard to enforce.
while you do say that we can't enforce what is forbidden and what isn't, what we can do is set a precedent for what is allowed in matches until a solution is created for the next version.
for example, i've set a precedent by telling players that do use it if they continue use it they'll be banned on oNe servers and reported to the public blacklist, hoping other server owners follow my precedent. after that action has been taken i won't bother participating in matches with them, hoping other players and clans follow the same precedent.
chances are, its also going to be forbidden in all future tournaments.
regardless of what xenon said, i think its a personal attack.
some of the 1.0 exploits were pretty god damn awful, including the dgbhbox command which was essentially an inbuilt cheat that let you see the hitbox of opponents in the form of a wireframe. you could see people around corners before they saw you, which made it really damn handy in tosok more than anything else. MyS members and others were using it for a bit before they stopped, which is why i give yoursister shit for it. was pretty funny seeing the screenshots, full brightskins, black sky, dbghbox and low res.
lowres is completely fine in my opinion, it helps people who already have low fps, while i don't use it personally myself because i prefer playing with the standard textures, some people believe it allows them to aim easier. i don't need it to have an edge and i have one of the very best aims in AC.
as far as equipment and fps is concerned, you don't gain any advantage out of having higher fps, its just that the game is smoother afaik. gaming mice/headsets/whatever are fine to use also.
the difference between all of those and the jump script is the jump script modifies gameplay in AC. this is where the line is drawn where it fits the definition of cheating. it is UNFAIR, and an advantage, making it a cheat. by your own definition, people can use easily findable and make-able cheats because its hard to enforce.
while you do say that we can't enforce what is forbidden and what isn't, what we can do is set a precedent for what is allowed in matches until a solution is created for the next version.
for example, i've set a precedent by telling players that do use it if they continue use it they'll be banned on oNe servers and reported to the public blacklist, hoping other server owners follow my precedent. after that action has been taken i won't bother participating in matches with them, hoping other players and clans follow the same precedent.
chances are, its also going to be forbidden in all future tournaments.
(18 Oct 12, 06:06PM)DamDam Wrote: ^ This is an answer in the name of .rC| and not a personal attack, he publicly accused us, so i think we should have the right to answer :D
regardless of what xenon said, i think its a personal attack.