11 Oct 12, 06:40AM
(08 Oct 12, 05:06PM)Xenon Wrote: Urban is the shittest map in history. looks terrible, smells terrible, plays terrible blah blah blah.
If you had caught me even a couple weeks earlier I would have agreed but due to recent awesomeness unleashed... HELL NO. Urban is a decent fking map. I ran some hardcore legit shit on there recently. The key to sexing it up is to adjust AC's gameplay to the map. Some maps require a different style. I've been hating on it for no reason other than that Kiwi made it, and that is a big no-no. Maps shouldn't be judged based on personal bias against their makers. They should be judged on the amount of awesomeness they exude when smacked like some high profile ass on holiday.
Not hating, just saying it's a decent map. It takes a while for me to come around sometimes but when I do... Awww yeah!