23 Aug 10, 08:24PM
sniper still sucks,devs, have you tried to play with sniper?, i today play with sg and ar, they rocks, you need only basic skills to have ratio over 1, but sniper is difficult as hell, AR reminds me smg in 0.93, i pwned all around too easily,just camp near their base and a few bullets for "hello" during their respawn and then you will finish him during his run for armor, he has no chance, in ac_shine you are superman,run from one base to other is unstopable by enemy(do you remember 1MA|exis runs in depot ?), shotgun reminds me ac_depot and ac_mines dancing in 0.92, strategy is if you see enemy, you quickly move mouse from one side to other and in certain time you press attack, during it you must still jump and dance around confused enemy, 3 years i play with sniper riffle (in action cube i played with sg, very popular weapon in that times, then in TyD they were still playing with smg so i learned it too.)and now i play better with sg and AR, it isn't normal ! :) Now i go test smg and that new weapon. :) Sniper is good weapon because if you give your time to this weapon (you will learn aim and combo and move) and then it is effective weapon. It cannot be handled by newbies, for them in such quick game it is useless. This game is quick, you cannot expect that snipers here will be camping, zooming and sniping. Suggested strategy "run away" isn't funny. For this strategy map are too small. You can handle it with some tactics but against good players win often power of weapons in 1v1. And don't forget that we are still in AC, no quake3d and cs shitty features !! :P